
Archive for lokakuu 2009

http://stylophile.livejournal.com/8089.html   (c) Stylophile
Siinä ku ne kaks alkaa tappeleen ja kuuntelee Judy Kuhn – Colors of The Wind.. Ahh, H/DPunainen sydän

Noni, tein ToK cruisella jottain sellasta mitä en koskaan tee: lähestyin ihmistä :D Periaatteessa se oli aika disaster juttu mut katotaans ny mitä täst tulloo.. Enivei, sain inspiksen eräästä henkilöstä cruisen aikana, kutsumme häätä tässä vaikka Ethaniksi. Ethan näytteli meille tytöille korttitemppuja jotka oli siistei, mitä raukka oli ny vaan hermostunu ku oli kahden naisen ja yhden miehisen ihmisen yleisö (se ol nii ihunaa ku sen kädet sheikkas ^__^).

Nenivei, here’s the inspiration thingie.. And I’m sorry if I scare,harass, diss, insult or do anything else to make you feel uncomfortable about my writing. But hey, this is just FICTION!

You sat down and said: "Pick a card." I was confused. "I like to get to know people through magic tricks," you said. I picked a card. King of Hearts. Of course you didn’t see it. You shuffled the deck one, two, three, four, five times.

"Was it this card?"
"Of course not because it was this card," you said and showed me the right card. King of Hearts.

I laughed and applauded. You smiled, your hands shaking because of your nervousness. I didn’t mind, it made you a human, made you show that you want to get to know me.

"Wanna see another trick?" I nodded. "When I shuffle the deck, like this, I get an ace. When I shuffle the deck again, I got another ace, see, ace of cross [A/N: I call it clover but Ethan called it cross].."

I shyly glanced at you. You were beautiful.  Deer-like, ovals, deep brown, maybe even black. It looked like you had some eyeliner, your lashes short but sexy. Your Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, the way you talked made me melt.

"..And, oh, the fourth ace!" I applauded and smiled. You smiled back. "Wanna know how I did it?" You start to explain the trick, casually looking into my eyes every now and then to confirm that I was following.

I was lost in your deer eyes.

I should have seen this coming.

"What’s your favorite card?"
"Six of Spades."
"What why?"
"Why so weird card?"
" I like number six and, well, I like spade."
"Why do you like spade?"
"Long story, very boring one."
"Ok. I wanna show you one more. Pick about one third of th deck.."

You smelled like fresh laundry and cologne that has a touch of rain and bamboo leaves. Manly smell, a smell that makes you want to cuddle into one’s embrace.

I wanted to kiss your slender neck.

"..And it was this card."
"Yeah, it was. You’re amazing," I sais with a smile.
"I used to be better but this is good CAS. Creativity."
"One more. Pick a card and.."

I had just met you and you already fulfilled my mind. Your diamond ring necklace, dark hair with messy, blondish ends, your black sneakers.

But your eyes. I could just eat you, that cute you were, you are. Your deer eyes say things to me, things that I want to hear but you will never say.

Your beautiful, dark brown almond eyes.

"..And it’s here in my pocket."
"Gee, you’re amazing!"
"You should see one of the supervisors, he’s the amazing one!"
"Maybe I will.."
"So, what will happen now?"
"Well, the debate starts in few minutes…"

Deer eyes that will never be mine.

Remember, fiction! Whoo, language change! Next jag ska sticka en sång. The Whomping Willows. Yes. H/DPunainen sydänSateenkaari

In Which Draco and Harry Want To Secretly Make Out

Draco Malfoy, what’s your problem?

you’re lookin kinda mopey and forlorn this morning

Harry Potter, what’s your deal?

are you having trouble with the feelings that you feel?

Draco Malfoy, what’s your issue?

do you need a hug or maybe a tissue?

Harry Potter, give us a sign

you can’t commit to Ginny so what do you have in mind?

give me three guesses

is it professor McGonagle?

is it Lavender Brown?


it’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree


it’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree


in love

Draco Malfoy, level with me

you used to be so enthralled with Pansy

Harry Potter, don’t be shy

you got no luck with women so perhaps you need a guy

there’s nothing wrong with it

no there’s nothing wrong with it

you can move to massachusetts

where it will be

it’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree


it’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree


in love

there’s nothing wrong with it

there’s nothing wrong with it

there’s nothing wrong with it

it’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree


it’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree


it’s Draco and Harry sitting in a tree


it’s draco and harry sitting in a tree



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Viime viikonloppu Jyväskyläs, tulin kipees, vielki on yskä ja korva ihan tukos, ja nyt lauantaina Turkuun ToK- risteilylle!! Ja 30.10-1.11 Mikkeliin! Ah, tunnetteko matkastressin alkavan? Mutta ei voi valittaa, kummankin matkan tarkoitus on mahtavan ihana!

Ja nyt rakkaat palleroiseni, hain yhteishaussa seuraaviin paikkoihin:

Jyväskylän kotitalousoppilaitos
Kansainvälispainotteinen kotitalousopetus, yo

Ikaalisten käsi- ja taid.opp. Kihniö
Lasiala, yo (tuotteen suunnittelun ja -valmistuksen koulutusohjelma)

Pohjois-Karjalan ammattiopisto Outokumpu
Maalaus ja animaatio, yo (kuvallisen ilmaisun perustutkinto)

TAO, Turun Ammattiopistosäätiö
Verhoilu- ja sisustusalan perustutkinto, yo

Piippolan käsi- ja taideteollisuusopisto
Audiovisuaalisen viestinnän perustutkinto, yo

Kolmannen kanssa annoin jo peris, en edelleenkään omaa niin mahtavan taiteellisia tai sosiaalisia lahjoja et pääsisin sinne. Siinä mieles toi Piippola jää rassaamaan mieltä.. Muttei voi mitään

Mittees muuta.. Ficciaiheita ois miljoonia päässä mut ei taho tosta kirjottamisesta tulla oikeen mitään.. Ficcien lukeminen ja nettisarjiksetki on menneet sivu suun, ei jaksa nyt oikeen innostaa.. Mikään ei oikeen innosta, Tai no, elokuvien ja erilaisten sarjojen kahteleminen tietokoneelta. Joo.

Vois alkaa kahtoo (taas) Muumeja, pitäis screen capturettaa vähä kuvia.. Ainaski se Otto- lonkero!



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