
Archive for toukokuu 2009

Veri kiehuu

Miksi rakastamme kristinuskoa

..Saatana ku tekis mieli hajottaa paikkoja.

Joku poliitikko oli myös kiistelly homojen ja lesbojen sitoutumisesta ja adoptoinnista ja siinä samassa eläimiin sekaantumisesta. Onha se eläinte paneminen aika gross asia, mutta jos nyt tykkää Mustiansa kiksautella nii be my guest, en pane pahakseni. Mielummin se ku se kävis raiskaamassa naapuruston pikkutyttöjä.

Sama juttu homojen ja lesbojen adoptioaikeista. Mielummin tahon, et lapsella on samaa sukupuolta olevat vanhemmat ku et lapsi kasvais väkivaltasessa perhees tai perhees, jonka elinsuhteet ei ole parhaat mahdolliset. Perkele, mulla on ihan heterot vanhemmat ja katsokaa ny mua! Sanosin, et lapsi, joka kasvaa homo- tai lesboperheessä kasvatetaan paremmi ku mut. Se oppii arvostamaan maailmaa toisin silmin ku tällaset tavalliset pulliaiset.

Ja jos ei usko johonki saatanan jumalaan, ni miten sä voit joutua kadotukseen tai helvettiin tai kärsiä syntiä? Tai, ehkä syntiä voi kärsiä, mut synti on yksilön oma käsitys asiasta. Et enne ku rupeet suutas aukomaan jumalasta tai alat saarnaamaan, kuinka joku fucking aikasa eläny opus kieltää homot ja lesbot ja biseksuaalit ja transut ja eläinten hässijät, nii miettisit eka tätä nykyajan elämää. Ajat alkaa katos muuttumaan.


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..Onpas paska väri..


I had my physics exam today. When we had the reading time I understood some of the questions, but when I started actually to do it, my mind went totally blank. Not nice, since this was the FUCKING FINAL EXAM!

Nice timing, you idiotic duck!

Well, paper 3 tomorrow, let’s try to cover up the crappy paper 2 with paper 3 results (which I hope will be better).!

I’m going home tomorrow. And on next week the high school will be a history (or herstory, you feminists!) And then I shall start to read for the universities’ entrance exams. Mostly I should read biology since my Finnish jargon and terms for biology are lacking. Badly. I mean, I can tell you how DNA replicates in English but when it comes to Finnish.. Yeah, bad.

So, the rest 9-10 days (after 19th of May) I shall be reading biology. Again. This time in Finnish. Oh yayness and ugetypuck! Well, of course I must read one book for the literature entrance but if I make notes while I read, it’ll only take 1-2 days.

And I know you don’t wanna read a shit like this, but like I care! Blame yourself for reading this! There are better things to do on Internet than reading my shitty blog!

I realized today, when I was walking from school, how much I actually remind my father (and here I blame English paper 2) And that was horrible. I couldn’t breath well and I got some sorta panick attack. Hrr.. But really, I don’t wanna be like my dad. But everyone ALWAYS tells me how I don’t differ much from him (with negative tone) so it makes me feel depressed. I try my best to be unlike him but what can one do? So, if you wanna make me feel nice, say that I’m me. Not the resemblance and copy of my father.

And my back hurts again T__T

Well, now we shall put some nice songs here you can listen to while I go to check my updates for web comics and fanfics.


I’m Gay ny Bowling For Soup

Running From Your Dad by Bowling For Soup

Downtown by Frank Sinatra

Gimme More (Sid) by Machinae Supremacy

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Because they make me think about things I don’t wanna think about.

The novel I read made me think about myself. I know I ain’t a catch you’d want to tell all about to your friends, but c’mon, even I have heart! I have feelings! I know I’m not the ideal skinny model the guys love these days, but I’m still a person. Hell, I might even have better personality and at least you can be sure I won’t disappear because I don’t enjoy eating air!And yes I’m desperate and bit sad and horny, but romantic novels ALWAYS make me think about guys and gals, relationships, love and the outer look of people.

But anyway, I’m here to whine about the life I’m missing but I want to have.

So guys, what the fuck is wrong with you? Is the skinny and pretty girls the thing right now? I know they can have great personality and shit, but so does I. (and damn I must write this before I realise I sound like a fucking teenaged girl with naïve thoughts about love..) Really, if I was born before 20th century, I’d be a hot stuff  >__<  But I guess the way you look attracts people more than your personality.. Well, you can’t get neither out of me since my style sucks and I lack personality when I must speak. But I’m on fire when I write, believe me or not!

So, should I lose some weight (yes, you should before you die, just to make people happy and satisfied), change my style again and change my personality, just so I could attract some fucking men who might not even want the same thing as I do?

… Yes, maybe, perhaps. At least lose some weight dude. Seriously, the song Sontsan alla is SO about you! And yesh, if you lose weight, you’d look better and you could changes your style. But to change your persona, that’s a tricky question, since you lack social skills, talking skills, flirting skills and all other skills when you talk with someone, especially if it’s a guy.

So yep. Lose weight dearie. I mean mass, your physics book says "People lose mass, not weight".

And, just for you to be happy, stop watching and reading romantic stuff! Really, that Little Mermaid you watched last night! C’mon, you knew Ariel and Eric won’t kiss each other until the end! And why the fuck did you shed some tears at the end? You fool!

… Riiight.. I really have split personalitites… *help me* *shu’ up..*

But I still won’t stop wondering. What is it that attracts a person to a person? And why only some people do and some not? Why some person interests you but he or she doesn’t even know you exist? What is love (baby don’t hurt me..Nuotti) ? Really, what and why?

…Even though I just turned 20, I don’t differ much from the 13 year-old me and the person I am today. Which sucks. And I blame myself (and world and guys and girls and ideals these days). Maybe I should grow up. But that’s not me. If it depends on me, I don’t wanna grow up. Which I know is bad since all others will have their "adult things" while I still blabber about the oh-so-awesome thing that is so HOT among teenagers or young kids. But really, c’mon! ADULTHOOD SUCKS! Of course it’s fun when you can do stuff that you can’t do if you’re under 18, but it brings responsibility. And meaningless fights with your parents and sometimes with your friends. Really now, I can see it: my friends, all over 30, around a table and talking about the life they’re living, how their kids are growing, what’s happening in their work life and how their husbands or wives are doing certain things while I’m enjoying my time with my friends kids, the younger ones MAYBE liking me while the older ones are sweat-dropping because I’m SO UNCOOL!

Well, life sucks and so do I. And sometimes I even swallow baby ~.^

…See why you should keep your kids away from me? Don’t make me the godfather/mother for your kids. They’ll be traumatized. You have been warned.

And then I could talk shits and hours about motherhood, but let’s put it in simple form: I want my blonde haired, blue eyed twin boys and if I get girls, I’ll fucking hang myself. I know my mind might change, but I hope it WON’T. Seriously. When have I ever liked girls/females? Never that much that I’d like to have one under my roof.

And pregnancy sucks and it’s gross. And labour. Ok, PMS, female body, labour, pregnancy, anything seriously concerning females is disgusting! But the thing is, if I change my gender, will I be satisfied? I sometimes feel good with myself, but sometimes I just want to cut my boobs, get a penis from somewhere and just be a guy. But will I be satisfied (repeating, repeating)? One thing is will I be able to sing as well with my new voice? I love singing, and I think I have a voice that is pleasant enough. But if I start eating testosterone, will my singing voice suck? Of course my voice will drop, but will my singing voice be bad? That is actually the problem which concerns me the most.. And then adoption (because I still want my blonde, blue eyed kids, not some random Asian-African-Russian kid with brown eyes and brown hair. And let’s face it, I’m racist when it comes to my future kids I might have >__<).

…I have written this for about and hour, and all here is utter bullshit. But I write here because I wanna release the questions and wonders and anxiety I’m feeling, and I do this through writing since I still lack talking skills when it comes to my feelings. This is my therapeutic method to ease the pain and suffer and anxiety I’m feeling. Others talk, I write. That’s it, that’s shit.

I might seem as a cold person who is not so easy to get contact or to approach, but just for you to know, I’m still a person. And a pretty nice person if you ask me. Or so I hope ^___^ I might not smile or talk that much (since if I talk, you won’t understand a thing since I can’t pronounce any word without mumbling it and I really don’t know what to talk about or ask from you..) but I really do care about the persons I meet since they all have different backgrounds and I wanna know them better. So please, do not be afraid of approaching me.

Ok, enough bullshit, now jag ska gå och titta på TV (tanssii tähtien *pervojen!!* kanssa alkoo..)!

Ja na,


Part of your world from Littler Mermaid

I’m still a guy by Brad Paisley

(Does this mean you should start to smile more? …Shu’ up..)

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Or I’m so addicted to, all the things you do…

…And I’m talking about my might Bru- sorry, Dick-sama. And I miss Bruce ;__;

…Dick’s my computer BTW… So no guy in my life. Yet.

This post is about the month of April and my final exams. And few other things concerning my life which are pissing me off a bit. And I just noticed I’m writing på engelska. Go figure, go IB!

Anyway, how’re YOU doin’? I’m tired, thank you very much from asking. And yes, my back hurts.

April started with a huge fight between me and my mom. I was making snacks for me and my mom came to whine that the dinner will be eaten in few hours. Somehow this pissed me off since I’m not a kid not yet an adult as my mom loves to say.. So I left the house pretty angry, went for a walk, came back, stomped to my old room, cried there for few hours and forgave everything. Which pisses me off! Damn I hate that I forgive SO FUCKING easily!

And then the fun part began: reading for the exams! Oh yayness! I was reading in the library in Iisalmi, first physics, then chesmitry and, last but not least, biology. The thing was that there was this CUTE (how teen of me saying that >__<) library boy working there. Ah, I was stalking him when he was putting the books in the shelves. Well, then I got new headphones. And boring shit happened. Then came my birthday and the trip to Jyväskylä to spend May Day there.  had fun, but I also discovered things that shocked me much. And I figured I hate people who listen to the shit-pop they are playing these days.  So sorry to say, your music taste sucks. And so does mine for some people since I haven’t found a single person yet who has same kind of music taste as I do, but I still likemy music taste. And there are some good songs also in your shit-pop category, but there are more shit than mind-blowing pop songs there. Sorry ^__^’

Ah, feelin’ better!

And, finals. Mind-boring, stressful, so-important-yet-kind-of-hard final exams in IB. Have gone through 8/15 and I’m dead. I still have all physics and chemistry papers and English paper 2. And when we reach the day when the chemistry exams are, please be kind, you great IB-God/Goddess/Spirit. Please let me pass IB so I don’t have to go through the hell of re-taking my exams. Re-taking IB1 was awful enough so pwease!

Argh! And I’m so tired right now, and I think it’s beacuse of lack of oxygen.. Because Dick is my life -__-’ Maybe I should start to make some friends.. But what the hell to do with friends these days? Ok, maybe just sit and talk about everything from heaven to hell, but it will be awkward at first and that’s not fun. And since it’s awkward, it’ll continue as awkward so no. I only do sitting and talking with Yuni since she understands me (Hi hun, I miss u! Where have you been?! My MSN is not working so I can’t contact you.. Well, maybe through e-mails, but I’m too lazy to do that.. And our MSN chats rock!). Really, I love my friends but let’s face the fact, there is that HUUUUUUUGE gap between us that I cannot fix. We are living on different planets my friends. Which is good, but I wanna talk about serious things, which concern me and you. I’d love to do that sit ’n’ talk sessions where we sit in a circle and friends ask you a questions and you should tell them honestly how things are. But since that takes time and my friends seem to be busy or no time for that, I keep my mouth shut. Hey, I love to talk and hear how’re you doin’, but usually I’m too embarrassed to say anything since I blurt out random and pervert things so SILENCE!

..Wow, I need a therapy session here.. Maybe I’ll have one after 2nd of June when my vacation FINALLY starts! Who wants to play the part of analrapist (analyser & therapist)?

Okie dokie. According ro Facebook’s test, I’m either your-average-Joe, emo or punk according to my music taste & life style.. Interesting..>__<



Addicted by Simple Plan

Addicted by Saving Abel

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